Cristen DeAnn Photography

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Why We Choose to Celebrate the Beauty of Bodies

I have been asked so many times, in multiple ways ‘why?’. Well if you’re wondering why one of my passions is to release your “Inner Vixen” here’s why.

Please don’t get me wrong throughout this blog post. I have tossed and turned whether to write this or not but I’ve got to follow where my heart/passion leads me and today it’s here, well if I’m being honest with you most days it falls within this idea.

Each of us have a journey of self-love.

I’m not sure if that ever ends. Each day I have the choice to either wallow in the perspective of others I have enforced on myself or appreciate the abilities my body has given me. Does this mean I don’t strive to make my body better? No. Does this mean I let anyone see everything that my body has to offer? No. But that is my prerogative. Each and every adult person has the right to decide that for themselves.

I want to provide experiences to women that help them through that journey. Whether it just be starting out or whether they’re a full-fledged-I-am-a-woman-hear-me-roar warrior.

Boudoir Sessions are my absolute favorite type of session.

Point blank. (Weddings are definitely a close second)

Every session, every woman that has booked me, whether if I think they have an amazing body or not, comes in nervous. Every woman says “Well, can you make sure you don’t get this….”, “but I’m not a model!”, “I’m not sure how to make a “sexy” face” . Every woman comes in with their own insecurities but every single one of those women that came in nervous, maybe a little insecure, not sure what to do leaves with a fire within them that is visibly different than when they came into my studio. Every woman leaves with (even just a little bit) more confidence. Every woman leaves feeling they can conquer their day. I’ve seen it, I’ve witnessed it, and I’ve heard it from them. This is the reason I do this, this is why I choose to celebrate the body rather than abide by the stigma of hiding it.

If you’re thinking “well what if my empowerment of my body lies within not showing it in a photo?” than I support you completely in not doing a boudoir session, because that’s your choice! I have had women that have come in my studio that no one else on this earth has seen her photos other than herself, or maybe her and her partner, that’s part of the choice that you have as the owner of your body.

My Story

When I was growing up I believed that women’s bodies, my body, was to serve nothing more than carrying babies and providing children for my strong, god-like, head-of-the-household male that I was married to.

My body is just that, first and foremost: my body. Granted, I have a loving and amazing husband that shows appreciation and love for my abilities and my flaws within myself and my body, but my body isn’t his either.

I have grown and come to my own knowledge of what my body means for me and the ones I love(d). It has enabled me to carry a life (whether it was able to produce that life or not), it has enabled me to continue to get up and walk each and every day, it has enabled me to perform in front of many different crowds, it has enabled me to be a friend to many. I hope you get the idea that I could go on and on.

My body has its issues, trust me I know, but because of some of its flaws, I’ve been able to join a group of warrior’s voices that I wouldn’t have met without going through the sacrifices my body and I have had to walk through. I am one in four of women that have had to suffer through a miscarriage, I am one in thousands of women that have had something happen to them and their body that they weren’t able to control just saying “no” to, my body is one of the 10% of people who suffer with an incurable skin disease. All of these “flaws” have had their own walk, their own hurdles, and their own journey but I have been able to overcome them. I have been able to join forces with women and men that have walked similar journeys and offer encouragement and support.

This is something that I have had to break down years of “other’s views” in my mind and basically to sum it all up:

I want to let other women experience the appreciation of their own bodies.

I want to be that person to say, “I understand, I see your struggle.” I can’t imagine maybe your specific walk but I can link arms with you and show you how amazing your body is and how amazing you are.

If you’re reading this, thank you.

Thank you for letting me be open and transparent with you.

Thank you for accepting me as a boudoir photographer to help you in your self love journey and for helping me in mine.

I love you all, and you’re all my biggest inspiration and motivation.

What are you grateful for that your body has allowed/enabled you to do/experience?